Named Club Umpires | Christchurch Netball Centre

Named Club Umpires are to be provided for training by CNC and registered prior to the start of the season and will receive ongoing support during the season. 

These umpires need to provide their own whistles and advise the allocator of their preferred umpiring times weekly or per round by Monday before a Saturday game.  

The club will be responsible for providing a replacement if a named umpire is unavailable. 

Failure to umpire an allocated game will result in the club being fined $75.00 per umpire the first offence, and a fine of $120.00 per umpire for a subsequent offence. 

Teams in Premier 1 & 2, Senior 1 & 2, Senior Reserve 1 & 2, Challenge 1 & 2, and 3will still need to provide two umpires each week over and above the Named Club Umpires.   

Centre Umpires, and Named Club Umpires will be allocated to games in the first instance.  

Teams from Challenge Grade and above are still expected to report for umpire duty each week (2 players). With the addition of named club umpires, we hope to not use too many player umpires each week. 

Club umpires required are based on team numbers you enter from Premier to Under 15 grades excluding open Grade teams:

Team Numbers                                     Club Umpires required
1-5                                                         1
6-10                                                       3
11-14                                                     5
15-19                                                     6
20+                                                        18

Year 7 (old U12), Year 8 (old U13), U14 will operate as they have in the past where they self-umpired or requested/allocated a whistler. 

Open Grade teams will need to provide an umpire either before or after their game to umpire.

It is recommended that umpires on the CNC umpire pathway are not named as club umpires. If however, this is necessary then that umpire will be expected to be available to umpire 2 games each Saturday. 1 game as a CNC 

Players who are club umpires must attend the relevant training and be available for the season.

Umpire Allocations

Teams entered in Senior, Senior Reserve, Challenge grade are required to provide umpires for allocation to competition games as required and need to check at the umpire office prior to their game to confirm whether or not they are required.

Umpire times are displayed in the Saturday Competition Draws.

A note regarding umpiring commitments: Teams please note that some teams that play after midday may be asked to umpire before their game. This will allow for teams to have all players available for their warm ups. Clubs will be informed on a Thursday if this arrangement affects them.​​​​​​​

Please contact the CNC Umpire Coordinator via email.