Reach out to a netball club near you | 2025 club contacts
When you connect with a netball club, you can learn about their community, their teams and their motivation.
The list below will be updated in January 2025. It represents clubs across Christchurch that offer netball experiences for senior and junior players.
Netball clubs are your best source of information about volunteering, particpating, how to trial for a team, and what to look for in a club.
Our CNC team is currently working on updating these club contact details. If you discover details that are incorrect or out of date, we do apologise, and we ask you to please contact us so that we can make a correction as soon as possible.
Avonside Girls' High School (AGHS) Netball Club
Age grade competitive (U14-U17), U21 (including U19), Senior Reserve.
Belfast Netball Club
Age grade social, Age grade competitive, Open social/competitive, Challenge competitive, Senior/Sen Res.
Junior grades: Year 3-4, 5, 6.
Cashmere Netball Club
Age grade social (U14-U17), Age grade competitive (U14-U17), U21 (including U19), Open grade social, Open grade competitive.
Junior grades: Year 3-4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8.
Training venues: Hagley Park, Thorrington Primary, Somerfield Primary, Hoon Hay Primary.
Cashmere High School Netball Club
Age grade social, Age grade competitive, Senior/Sen Res.
Training venues: Cashmere High School, Hagley Courts.
CFC Netball Club
[Age grade social, Age grade competitive, Sen Res., Open social, Challenge competitive. U19, U17.
Junior grades: U15, U13,U12,Yr 3-4, 5, 6.
Training venues: Hagley Courts, CFC Rugby Clubrooms, Mairehau.
Christchurch Girls High School Netball Club
Open competitive.
- Please contact CNC for contact details.
[Age grade competitive, Open social/competitive, Challenge competitive, Senior/Sen Res, Premier. Junior grades: 3-4, 5, 6. Training venues: Celebrations Gym, Hagley Park, Halswell Primary School]
Hearts St Peters ('Saints')
[Premier, Senior/Sen Res, Open social/competitive, Challenge competitive. Training venues: Celebrations Gym, Hagley Park.]
Hoon Hay
- Email
- Phone: 021 770 169
- Location: Hagley Park and Ngā Puna Wai
Age grade social (U14-U17), Age grade competitive (U14-U17), U21 (including U19), Open grade social, Open grade competitive, Senior Reserve, Senior, Premier. Junior grades: Year 3-4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8.
Kia Toa
Knights (Riccarton Knights Netball)
[Age grade social, Age grade competitive, Open social/competitive, Challenge competitive. Junior grades: 3-4, 5. Training venues: Hagley Park. Catchment areas: All Areas.]
Lincoln University
Lyttelton Netball
Marian College
Marist Albion
Open grade social, Open grade competitive, Challenge, Senior Reserve. Year 3-4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8.
Merlins Netball Club
[futureFERNS, year 7 & 8, under 15, under 17, under 19 and senior teams.]
Mt Pleasant Netball Club
[Age grade social, 2nd/3rd Grade social.]
- Please contact CNC for contact details.
New Brighton Netball Club
Ōtautahi Netball Club
Age grade social (U14-U17), U21 (including U19), Open grade social, Open grade.
Junior grades: Year 3-4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8 competitive.
Papanui High School Netball Club
[Age grade social, Age grade competitive.
Training venue: Papanui High School. Catchment area: Papanui High School Students]
Rangi Ruru High School
[Age grade social, Age grade competitive.
Training venue: School courts.
Revelation Sports Club
Riccarton Netball Club
Open grade social, Open grade competitive, Challenge.
- Email
- Website
- Phone: 027 374 9226
- Location: Hagley Park and Ngā Puna Wai
St Andrews College
Age grade social (U14-U17), Age grade competitive (U14-U17), U21 (including U19), Challenge, Premier.
Junior grades: Year 3-4,Year 5,Year 6,Year 7,Year 8.
- Email
- Phone: 022 598 6275
- Location: St Andrews College
St Nicholas
[Age grade competitive, Open social/competitive, Challenge competitive, Sen/Sen Res and Premier.
Junior grades: Years 3-4, 5, 6. Training venue: Hagley. All areas.]
Suburbs Rugby Netball Club
Sumner Redcliffs Netball
[Age grade social, Open social/competitive, Challenge competitive. Junior grades: Year 6. Training venues: Sumner School for juniors, Hagley for Seniors. Catchment areas: Sumner, Redcliffs and surrounding areas.]
[Age grade social, Age grade competitive, Open social/competitive, Challenge competitive, Senior/Sen Res, Premier. Junior grades: Year 6. Training venues: Hagley Park and local schools if appropriate. Catchment areas: All of Christchurch]
UC Netball (formerly Suburbs University)